For the Cause

Photo by Heather Mount on Unsplash

Do you have a life's purpose? Is there something beyond or above yourself that influences your choices?

I ask because it would seem that the current of modern culture is moving more and more toward the idea that the ultimate ethic is my own freedom and choice, with the only overarching ethic being that we should support the rights of other people to also follow their own desires. While this doesn't seem too terrible an idea at the start it does lead us down a rather unfortunate rabbit hole. Modern man is more and more losing the ability to live for anything beyond himself and what he finds comfortable, enjoyable, or agreeable.

Really, this is just the natural outworking of pluralism and the post-modern mentality. We've taken away any idea of a meta-narrative, of an overarching truth that explains and pertains to every aspect of life. There is no objective truth in the philosophy of modern man and thus there is only my truth, my perspective, my opinion. Why should I live for anything beyond what I want when what I want is all there is?

Interestingly, I would argue that this at least partially explains the apparent increase in anger and fervor in our societal disagreements. It seems that we are fast losing the capacity for civil disagreement and discourse instead favoring vitriol, hatred, and villainization. Those who disagree with us are no longer “the other side” they are the enemy, and not only the enemy but evil itself. I would argue that a main driving force behind this anger is our loss of objective truth because if we take away any reality that is beyond my opinion than to disagree with someone is the new heresy, the new blasphemy. If my perspective is the only real truth and my will the only good then to deny that will is the new evil.

Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash

There is a different way. I'm a Christian and I make no apologies for that. I believe that truth, real objective truth is something that is true regardless of whether anyone believes it to be so. I believe that objective truth actually exists, apart from the perspectives and desires of any group or individual. I believe that I must live to a set of ideals even if that choice to do so costs me. More specifically I try to live according to the will of God, of Jesus Christ. Sadly many today, even my fellow Christians, are leaving that conviction behind.

I have to ask, are you willing to be ridiculed? Are you willing to be hated? Are you willing to look the fool for the truth? Will you stand when all others lay down? Will you remain when all others walk away? Will you raise your hand when being singled out means being hammered down?

To live for something beyond yourself is to forgo your own good for the truth. As has been often said, “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.” Truth is being lost in our day, not only lost but sacrificed on the alter of pluralism and self. We don't need to be so angry when people disagree with us because truth doesn't live or die with me, it exists on its own.

Are you willing to stand? Are you willing to fall? Will you live for the cause?


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