The Undeniable

Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

The world often seems to be in a constant state of turmoil and distress. Opposing factions struggle for power in every corner of the world and our various world-views and ideologies combat for supremacy from the water cooler to the world wide web. People everywhere seem to be either searching for real truth or loudly proclaiming that it doesn't exist. Many have simply given up on a life that is meaningful; some of them cutting it short.

Where can we go for any sense of reality, any solid foundation of real truth? We can argue back and forth about science and philosophy, we can debate theology and atheism, we can discuss anarchy vs. order, but let me propose that there is one thing at least that no can effectively deny. Humanity is flawed.

It doesn't take much observation to prove this simple truth, you don't even have to look outside of yourself. You and I can look inside of ourselves and see selfishness, greed, lies, and pride. We look pretty on the outside but even the best of us think poorly of others or harbor dark secrets that we'd rather not share. Moving outward our families are stressed, cracked, and even broken. Children argue and fight against their parents and parents in-turn frustrate and mistreat their children; those who should love them most causing deep harm. Husbands betray their wives and wives disrespect and slowly destroy their husbands. Spouses live for themselves rather than for the one to whom they've pledged their lives.

Neighbors distrust each other and allow petty differences to bloom into disputes and bitterness; miniature wars spreading through every street and town. Cultures bicker and insult each other, demanding respect while giving none. Politicians vilify their opponents to gain popular favor and pundits stoke the fires of hatred and an “us vs. them” mentality. Nation fights against nation thinking nothing of harming others for their own short-sighted gain.

And yet we are also capable of such good. We can help each other, heal each other, lift each other up. We can create soaring music and beautiful works of art. We can be compassionate and caring and supportive. We are of two minds and despite our constant calls to goodness and light humanity continues to display it's darker nature. We are flawed.

Despite all of this blatant evidence there are those who deny the issue. There is no good and no evil they tell us, only preference. What I find good may not be your good and though I may not like the life or the actions you have chosen I cannot say that it is wrong. Yet even these ardent deniers of evil will balk at the torture of innocence or the destruction of children. They cannot deny that something within them cries out for a perfection that forever eludes us all. A heart-cry that refuses to deny that good and evil are real things that exist apart from our perspectives.

Now the atheist, the naturalist, the humanist, they have a problem. You see, a world of chaos and without meaning, a world that sprang into existence from nothing has no right or wrong. They support a world-view that cannot support morality and yet they cannot honestly deny that the recognize the reality of moral absolutes. The theist though, can explain the world.

The Bible tells us that at the beginning of our existence mankind was perfect. We had all that we needed and lacked in nothing and yet still chose to go against that which was right. As a result of this rebellion against good we were cast from the presence of God and to this day endure the brokenness created on that day.

Photo by Chris Dixon on Unsplash

You see that is why we have such a capacity for both good and evil. We were created perfect, bearing the image of the Holy God of all reality and that cannot be taken from us. Still we rejected God and were fractured for the folly. So now we are cracked and broken mirrors, still able to reflect the light of perfection that once freely shown on us but unable to do so properly; unable to bear the image we once did. The goodness we were given now paired with intense shadow.

Whether you believe in God or not you still must answer the question of good and evil. Will you deny that duality and cling to the delusion that moral absolutes do not exist? Will you give up on real truth and simply cover your ears and eyes until one day you die and pass beyond hope of understanding? Will you set your strength to the task and seek out the answers that can be found for those humble enough to see them?

The Bible tells us more. It tells us that though mankind broke itself, though it cast off the love and direction of the God who made us and loves us, that we are not without hope. This same God in whose eye we spit still cares for you and for me. On that day when we rejected God we brought upon ourselves His judgment. No crime can go unpunished after all and we would cry out against an earthly judge who let criminals go free. Yet God wanted to provide for us a way out of damnation, a way free from hell. So He took that hell upon Himself.

For any who may not have heard the story before, this is the gospel; the good news. Mankind doomed itself by rejecting God but God made a way for our salvation. God left the glory of his heavenly throne and came to earth in human form. Deity became humanity the body of Jesus Christ. He lived as we do but perfectly and then died by our most cruel form of execution, bearing the wrath of God in our place. After three days He returned to life and now calls us all to Himself, away from sin and into eternity.

This then is the answer to the broken nature of mankind. We were perfect, we are broken, we can be made new.


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